Financial Marketers Share Common Challenges, Common Needs
We Asked Financial Marketers:
"If You Could Wave A Magic Wand, What One Process Would You Change To Improve Your Marketing Results?"
Financial services marketers may be more alike than we all once thought.
One thing is clear, financial marketers today share many of the same challenges—and they long for the same process improvements today.
In a recent study in partnership with TrueVoice Growth Marketing, Gramercy Institute asked over 120 marketers at leading financial firms, in an open-ended question, "If you could wave a magic wand and change one process to allow your company to better leverage marketing, what would you change?"
The results:
56% responded with answers that fit into only four buckets. They are: Better integration of systems, improved data usage, better communication and bigger budgets.
80% responded with answers that fit into only nine buckets. They are: The four listed above along with streamlined compliance, respect for marketing, leadership support, improved metrics and customer insights.
While financial marketers cannot simply pull solutions to these challenges “out of a hat,” Gramercy Institute expects that marketing teams from leading financial firms in 2025 will be focused on streamlining and improving processes in these specific areas.
Gramercy Institute Recommendation
Gramercy Institute recommends that financial marketing teams take a deep-dive look at all nine of these areas within their own marketing teams and prioritize which areas may require improvement, then address these improvements as resources allow. These are the challenges facing our industry. Leading financial marketing teams will manage these challenges better than others.
About This Research Study
In 2024, Gramercy Institute completed a study, commissioned by TrueVoice Growth Marketing called, “The Growth of Growth Marketing in Financial,” to determine the changing needs of financial marketers today and the evolving role of growth marketing in financial services.
The study included financial marketer focus groups, in-depth financial marketer interviews and a blind, multi-question survey completed by over 120 marketers at financial services firms.
The results are intriguing and relevant to virtually all financial services marketers today.
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