20 Best Business Ideas in Financial Marketing
Gramercy Institute is pleased to announce “The 20 Best Business Ideas in Financial Marketing.” This award honors the best business-building ideas, services and solutions available for financial services marketers (and brands)today.
This award program is designed to accomplish two very important objectives:
First, it is designed to honor excellence in innovation in financial services marketing by honoring those companies that are leading the financial services industry forward by producing the best ideas and best services to help financial servicers marketers build their businesses for today--and tomorrow.
Second, this award program is designed to provide a service to leading financial services marketers. This award program is designed to weed through the good, the bad and the ugly of financial services marketing ideas to come up with one essential list of "The 20 Best Business Ideas in Financial Marketing." Once this golden list of 20 has been selected by our panel of judges, the list (and service descriptions) of 20 will be distributed free of charge to all 28 member financial firms of The Gramercy Institute. In addition, this list (and descriptions) will be made available (for a charge) to Gramercy Institute's full global network of financial services brands and agencies.
In recent years, a slew of new and much needed services has "hit the scene" for forward-thinking financial marketers. One can attribute such growth to any number of environmental factors including an explosion in digital marketing, a new reliance on metrics in financial marketing, a desire on the part of financial brands to re-build trust in their institutions, or any other number of changes that the financial services marketing industry has undergone in recent years.
Net/net: the world abounds in new products, new services and new ideas designed to empower marketers at major financial brands and to help them better navigate the waters of change that now prevail.
Understanding the landscape of new products and services and identifying what are "The Best Business Ideas in Financial Marketing" is a critical and necessary function that this award program provides.